Launch your career with ease by gaining instant access to our exclusive database of contact information for the top recruiting firms across the U.S.A.
With just a few clicks, success is within reach!
Simplify your job search and bypass the traditionally long-winded job seeking process. With access to over 300 responsive recruiting firms, you can easily connect with those looking for candidates like you.
JobResQ provides you with an exclusive database of top recruiting firms.
Unlock job openings and exclusive opportunities that have never before been featured on job boards or classifieds.
Apply to thousands of jobs in mere seconds and get hired, fast!
Download our exclusive Excel spreadsheet containing 300+ top-tier recruiters’ email addresses.
Copy and paste the email addresses into the BCC field of your introduction email, attach your resume, and hit that send button.
Receive responses from recruiters and get ready to land the job of your dreams.
We recommend preparing a general cover letter and resume that you can send to all the recruiters. Once a recruiter gets back to you with a promising opportunity, you can always customize it for that particular position.
On average, job seekers who used JOBRESQ’s database received 10 responses from recruiters within 30 days. We’ve done extensive research and carefully curated our database in order to find the most effective recruiters for job seekers like you. In fact, we’re so confident JobResQ works that we’ll even give you a 100% refund if you don’t receive the same 10 responses within 30 days of purchasing our database.
JobResQ exists so you no longer have to go through the long, arduous, do-it-yourself job search. It’s already been done for you! Our database is effective because of the thousands of hours of research that we consistently do to meticulously curate a database of the most effective recruiters for our clients.
Yes! We serve job seekers in a large variety of different sectors and industries. Our database is composed of recruiting firms and employment agencies that hire for a wide range of industries.
We offer a full refund if there are less than 10 responses within 30 days of sending your first email.
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